Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Module 5 - How Important is Cultural Diversity in School?

 How Important is Cultural Diversity in School?

I find this question interesting and very important.  The world and people in it are constantly changing, and moving.  I think it is important to be culturally aware and be exposed to diversity.  One of the best places to learn and do this is in the schools.

According to the Census Bureau by 2100 the non-hispanic white population will be the minority in the U.S.  This means students will need to learn how to interact with people of different races, languages, and cultures.  So how important is diversity in schools??  I say very important.  If you keep children sheltered an unaware of this, they will not be able to prepare their futures or their own children.  When I was in high school I had never ever thought about it.  There were maybe 3 African American students in my entire school, 5 or 6 of other races.
 When I came to college, it was a whole new experience!  I wish I was a little more aware and knowlageble about all of it.  In college I have take over 5 classes that touch and go in depth on the subject, and I am happy to learn about different cultures, they way they live.  I also think being more diverse in schools will help with issues of racism.  Also, diverse classrooms can help all the students learn different cultures, maybe even different languages.  I think it is so important to be able to speak different languages, America is after all, a melting pot.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Module 4 - Hot Topic In Education - High Fives and Hugs Banned?!?

Why have schools banned hugging and high fives?  Do you agree?  Is it okay to ban PDA but not a hug from a friend?

Increasingly in schools everywhere, there has been problems with students and public displays of affection (PDA).  However now, schools are beginning to do things about it, but are they doing too much?  In Vienna VA, Kilmer Middle School has a "no touch" policy.  No hugs to your best friends or high fives when something goes right.  Some schools do not take this drastic approach, but enough do.  I know schools have a lot of responsibility and have to honor the fact that they are supposed to be an environment free of harassment, but I feel some schools are taking it too far.  There is behavior you can stop, bad behavior, but if a child wants to run into school and hug their best friend, or say whats up to a friend by giving them a high five or a handshake, why shouldn't they be able to do that?  There is plenty of inappropriate touching you could say no too, just make it apparent don't punish everyone by having a rule that says you cannot touch anyone in any way.   According to the president of, "I see nothing wrong with hugging.  If the teachers could tell the difference between good touch and bad touch whether someone is bullying or horse playing, that would go much farther."

Children who are having a rough time at home or a loved one passed face suspension if they seek comfort from a friend at school.  Is this fair?
A 12 year old girl was suspended for consoling a grieving friend during a break at school.  Was what they were doing wrong?
